Monday, April 2, 2007

What is harmful dieting? There are two forms of this, the first is when people cut down on all kinds of food, besides those that are 'confirmed' unable to contribute to any weight gain. By these I mean, fruits and vegetables. Dieting is harmful when the person is dieting without a doctor's advice or when he or she is not clear what her body truly needs, and is merely dieting according to her 'whims and fancies'. The second form is eating in large servings the food that the body doesn't need. This leads us to an important question: What are the effects of harmful dieting, really? This post of mine shall serve to inform all 'diet-ers' out there to prevent them from making a wrong choice.

I will start by discussing the effects of the first form of harmful dieting: eating too little and probably none of the food contaning nutrients that the body needs.

In general, these diets usuallly lead to low energy levels and increased fatigue. These are the mild effects. First, a low-carboyhydrate diet. People have to be careful about this because, according to the information found in this website (link below), such diets encourage fats to be stored, and thus add to weight gain, too. This can be a potential cause for atherosclerosis (heart and blood vessel disease). For women (please refer to link below), harmful effects include menstrual dysfunction or amenorrhoea (absence of periods), which in turn may cause bone eating, and osteoporosis.

Second, high-protein diets can cause kidney damage due to the lack of fibre in the diet, and the constipation may be unbearable. Low fibre, high fat can cause bowel cancer, as well. So, do have plenty of carrots and apples.

(Click to enlarge)

This diagram illustrates the effect I discussed about earlier, on insulin.

What are the solutions?
All in all, I would like to say that it is MIND OVER MATTER. Choose the right foods, exercise regularly. Persevere, be determined. No solution is absolute rubbish.
Ong Hui Yu 26/3 Service

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